For an electronic (PDF) copy of your end-of-year giving statement, click on "End of Year Giving Statements" to the left or above, or go to Navigate to the My Offering tab (the heart icon), view your Giving History, and click the Download button. While you are at, please also check and make any necessary changes to your contact information by clicking on the My Family tab (three persons icon), then viewing your Family Detail.
To request a printed version, contact the parish office at 301-863-8144 x14 or [email protected]. To ensure that your statement is ready, please do contact us before stopping by.
Upcoming Funerals
Jane Kenyon Tuesday, February 18 Visitation - 12 noon Funeral Mass - 1 pm
Si te preguntas por qué vivir una vida católica fiel no cura automáticamente cualquier herida o lesión que tengas, ¡este terapeuta católico tiene un consejo!
Sor Marcelina comparte cómo la Eucaristía es una fuente de gracia sanadora tanto para ella como para aquellos a los que sirve como consejera profesional licenciada.
The Popes in a Year
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Messages Start Feb. 22, 2024 (Feast of the Chair of St. Peter)
YOU MADE IT! Pope since March 13, 2013 Born: December 17, 1936 Birth name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio Who was this guy before he was pope? Jorge Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1936, the...
TWO POPES TO GO! Pope from April 19, 2005 - February 28, 2013 Lived: April 16, 1927 - Dec 31, 2022 Birth name: Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger Who was this guy before he was pope? Joseph Ratzinger was born...
THREE POPES LEFT! Pope from October 16, 1978 - April 2, 2005 Lived: May 18, 1920 - April 2, 2005 Birth name: Karol Józef Wojtyła Who was this guy before he was pope? Karol Wojtyla (voy-TEE-wuh) was...
Hollywood may seem like the furthest thing from a place that nurtures the Catholic faith, but the influence of Catholicism is undeniable in the American film industry.
1st Friday:5:30 PMEnglishEnglishENExposition & Confessions after Mass
Thursday:6:10 PM
1st Friday:9:40 AM6:10 PM
Saturday:2:30 PM to 3:45 PM NOT on July 15, 2024 due to priest ordinations in DC
1st Saturday:9:40 AM
Except for Saturday afternoons, times are approximate, depending on when preceding Mass finishes and the length of the confession line.
Solemn Exposition
Thursday:6:10 PM to 6:45 PM
1st Friday:9:40 AM to 10:15 AM6:10 PM to 6:45 PM
1st Saturday:9:40 AM to 10:15 AM
Times are approximate, depending on when preceding Mass finishes and the length of the confession line. The perpetual adoration chapel available 24/7. Contact parish office for code to enter the church at night.
Catholic Online Resources
Recursos Catolicos en Español
Favorite Recipes to Feed the Heart Parish Cookbook
Published to commemorate our 75th anniversary, 200 recipes from fellow parishioners past and present. Cost: $20. To be picked up in person (no shipping available).
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